three people smiling together— two with short hair, one with long, all in neon Halifax Pride t-shirts

The Halifax Pride Society relies on a variety of committees to offer planning and guidance. These committees allow Pride to learn from a wide variety of voices and foster a Festival that reflects the interests of our community.


Each committee is facilitated by a board director or a designated Committee Lead who shares committee input with the board. Although committee members may assist or take a lead on project implementation, such work is not mandatory for committee membership. Committee members must identify with the group the committee supports or have particular interest or expertise in the topic addressed by the committee. We are seeking committee members who identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Committees INCLUDE:

  • ACCESSIBILITY: offers logistical input and/or project suggestions to remove barriers to participation

  • ADVOCACY: identifies issues facing the 2SLGBTQ+ community and means to champion these causes through Pride resources

  • COMMUNICATIONS: guides communications strategies, primarily through social media efforts

  • ELDER: identifies barriers to participation and new engagement opportunities

  • EVENTS: directs planning on events outside festival time

  • HEALTH & WELLNESS: supports activities and initiatives that prioritize sexual, spiritual, and mental health

  • IMMIGRANT: connects the 2SLGBTQ+ immigrant population in Halifax and brings awareness to issues that 2SLGBTQ+ individuals are facing in other countries

  • POLICY & GOVERNANCE: directions the creation of new policies and review of current policies to improve Society governance

  • QTBIPOC: identifies ways to support and prioritize QBIPOC participation through new initiatives and events

  • TRANS & NON-BINARY: identifies ways to support trans & non-binary communities through the festival and Halifax Pride Society

  • YOUTH: creates new events and opportunities for youth at the festival


The call for individuals interested in serving on one of the 2022 Halifax Pride Festival committees will begin in October 2022, with meetings starting in November. Committees will meet either in person or via Zoom once or twice a month. Meetings typically last one hour with other work taking place outside of meeting time, if the committee member offers to support additional projects or efforts.